Fri–Tue 9:30 – 18:00. Wed & Thu 9:30 – 20:00. Sun Closed.

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Menopause and Your Mind

Menopause and Your Mind

Alexia is working with us to help clients going through perimenopause, menopause or the post menopause stage.

The problems seem to have just been piling up until there comes a point where we hit a wall.

Difficult relationships with teenagers / empty nest syndrome / marriages faltering / ageing and our loss of confidence, to name just a few of the stories.

And then along comes the Menopause! Like a heat-seeking missile, it targets the very core of us and often feels like the last straw.

With the right support, this challenging time can be a time of reflection and reassessment, giving us the opportunity to make lifestyle choices for this potentially magical time ahead.

The Challenges

There are many physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, joint pain, hot flushes and many more, but for now, let’s take a look at how these fluctuating hormones can affect the mind.

  • Mood changes, including anger, anxiety, low self esteem, low mood
  • Tiredness and Insomnia
  • Brain fog and poor concentration
  • Memory problems
  • Overwhelm

The Solutions

Connection is the most powerful tool for emotional health. Connection with yourself, others, and nature. How can we practice connection?

  • Nature. Connect with nature: eg. Sit in the garden, look out of the window
  • Move. Connect with your body: eg. Go for a walk, Practice Yoga, dance
  • Breathe. Connect with your breath: Take a few deep, slow breaths through the nose
  • Journal. Connect with your mind: eg Allow yourself to write down everything you are thinking for 5 minutes.
  • Talk. Connect with your community eg. this can be a friend, family member or a professional.

Introducing just one of these small actions every single day is THE most effective way of connecting with yourself. Just 5 minutes is enough to start with.

You might want to try the Emotional Check-in anytime you feel any emotion bubbling up.

Emotional Check-in

Keeping it simple here, we need to take better care of ourselves through this time.
This means putting as little as 5 minutes aside each day to have a check-in.

First, find a comfortable place to sit, where you will be undisturbed.
Take a few deep, slow breaths to balance your system.

1. Notice:
a) how is this emotion in your body?
b) mind: what are your thoughts around this emotion?

2. Accept:
Without judging yourself, wonder why this might be. Accept that this is how you feel right now.

3. Release:
Now that you have paid this attention and accepted what’s going on, is there anything you can let go of?

The key to working through any symptoms that may arise as you move through the menopause is to first become aware of them. Through these small daily practices, you will begin to establish that connection with self and the compassion needed to move through this period with grace.

My hope is that there is something here that is helpful. Please do get in touch if I can support you any further.

Find me on:
Instagram: @themidlifetherapist

Wishing you well on your journey…. You are not alone x
